Like to read more of my stuff before it releases across the galaxy? Read on…

One of the most exciting new things I’m doing as an indie author is launching Astral Angels! What’s that, you ask?  

It’s so important to get reviews on new books as soon as they launch. You probably give reviews a lot of attention when making a decision whether to try a new author or return to an old favorite–I know I do. Reviews persuade readers to give a new writer a shot and help drive early sales which, in turn, means that distributors like Amazon take notice and start to market on my behalf. 

To make all that happen, I’m setting up a small team of Advance Readers–the Astral Angels. This is a totally new thing for me, but pretty simple to do, and I hope it’s good fun. I’ll be sending these readers a copy of whatever book I’ve just finished–starting with the first three books in the Astral Heat Romance series over the coming months–and, when the book is published, hoping for a quick and honest review. So, pretty simple. I’m also hopeful these early readers might pick up any errors that slip past my editors and proofreader. Maybe you’ll even have suggestions for something I can change or incorporate in the next book.

Apart from getting a copy of the book before anyone else, I try and say thanks in other ways, such as signed print editions when the print books come out. I’m hoping to keep the team lean and compact, but I do have a couple of vacancies at the moment. If you’d like to get involved, please let me know!

Happy reading,





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